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Measured Impact & Achievements: How FoodSight is Transforming the Agro-Food Industry!


Since its humble beginnings in 2019, FoodSight has been at the forefront of empowering the agro-food industry, not only in Lebanon but globally. Despite financial and economic challenges, FoodSight’s dedication to sustainable growth, innovation, and collaboration has yielded remarkable achievements. This article highlights FoodSight’s value proposition, measured impacts, and key milestones, reflecting its transformative role in the industry.

Value Proposition & Measured Impact:

FoodSight’s success can be measured through its strategic efforts to reduce rejections, boost export sales, increase productivity, and support expert access to the industry. Here’s how we’ve made a measurable impact in the agro-food landscape:

  1. Reducing Rejections by 80%

Value Proposition: At FoodSight, we alleviate the stress and financial burden associated with product rejections by ensuring compliance with quality standards through expert guidance.

Measured Impact: Tailored solutions have reduced product rejections by 80%, providing businesses peace of mind and confidence in their offerings.

  1. Increasing Export Sales by 60%

Value Proposition: FoodSight enables agro-food businesses to seize international opportunities with strategic guidance and market insights.

Measured Impact: A 60% increase in export sales for our clients has opened new revenue streams and global partnerships.

  1. Boosting Productivity and Reducing Wasted Time

Value Proposition: By streamlining workflows and enhancing efficiency, we help businesses focus on core operations and improve productivity.

Measured Impact: Our clients experience significant time savings, leading to increased productivity and better overall business performance.

  1. Providing an All-in-One Project Management Solution

Value Proposition: We offer a seamless platform for real-time project management, enhancing decision-making and collaboration.

Measured Impact: Our solution has revolutionised project processes, leading to greater transparency, efficiency, and project success rates.

  1. Accessing Digital Bidding Opportunities for Experts

Value Proposition: FoodSight provides experts equitable access to industry projects through a streamlined digital bidding process.

Measured Impact: This has increased opportunities for experts to secure regional projects, fostering professional growth and success.

  1. Creating Job Opportunities for Experts

Value Proposition: We promote job creation by connecting experts with diverse projects and meaningful employment in the agro-food industry.

Measured Impact: Our platform has generated numerous jobs, contributing to economic stability and individual prosperity.

  1. Facilitating Industry Linkages & Matchmaking

Value Proposition: By fostering collaboration and driving innovation through strategic linkages, we create synergies in the agro-food industry.

Measured Impact: Strengthened relationships and collective growth across the sector through effective industry matchmaking.

  1. Aligning with UNSDGs for Economic & Social Impact

Value Proposition: FoodSight’s mission aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), promoting sustainable economic growth and social empowerment.

Measured Impact: Our adherence to UNSDG principles has helped promote economic resilience, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability.



Key Milestones:

Our journey began in Lebanon in 2019, but since then, we have achieved numerous milestones despite the challenges faced:

Established Presence: Since 2020, FoodSight has become a key resource hub for over 300 users, including 250 active professionals globally.

Successful Project Deliveries: We’ve successfully delivered more than 60 successful industry projects, showcasing our ability to deliver value and results.

Industry Recognition: FoodSight has been honoured with two regional titles: Lebanese Agripreneur of the year 2020-2021 & Best Women-Led Foodtech Business in the Middle East 2021,

 and more than 15 regional and international awards, cementing our leadership in the agro-food sector.

Strategic Partnerships: We’ve formed 6 strategic partnerships that expand our reach and strengthen our service to our growing user base.

Expertise & Diversity: Our diverse pool of experts represents over 10 agro-food sectors and brings unmatched insight, with some boasting up to 30 years of experience.

These milestones are a testament to our resilience and commitment to empowering agro-food businesses and experts to thrive.


Theory of Change: Driving Sustainable Agri-Food Practices:

At the heart of FoodSight’s mission is the desire to foster sustainable agro-food practices, innovative financing, and a supportive knowledge-sharing ecosystem. Our Theory of Change outlines three primary objectives:

  1. Promote Sustainable Agri-Food Practices:

By collaborating with agro-food producers and experts, we conduct capacity building & technical assistance programs that encourage the adoption of sustainable production methods, reducing environmental impact.

  1. Build a Knowledge-Sharing Platform:

We are committed to developing a platform where experts can share resources, fostering awareness and the adoption of sustainable farming practices.



From reducing product rejections by 80% to increasing export sales by 60%, FoodSight’s impact on the agro-food industry is undeniable. As we continue to align with the UNSDGs and drive innovation through our all-in-one solutions, strategic partnerships, and knowledge-sharing platforms, FoodSight remains poised to lead the agro-food industry into a more sustainable and prosperous future.


Join us in this journey and experience the transformative power of FoodSight!

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